Apple Healthbook application for iOS 8

Apple iOS 8 work on health application:

Are you sure about your personal doctor is  in your pocket?
Are u a Jams Bond With your gadgets? When you watching science fiction movie at that time you are wishing about the technology and gadget. 

In now days use of the smart device is very growing.And that smart device is very useful to users in all types of work.And all the devices is track your physical information like location,your search history and etc.

"First one thing is that you listen or read article about your health effect by mobile or device.And that type of the devices create hazards for your health.Keep far away from your children.

"But think if your devices is taking care of your health then what about your thinking related to devices.?!!! give the information about the apple iOS 8 screen shot and it's health application Healthbook.

But it become true in nearer feature with apple new iOS 8 with   Healthbook application.This Healthbook application is made for your health.It gives you a health report of your body.  

It measure Blood pressure, Sugar, Physical activity, body's Nutrition, Body's Hydration and De-hydration,Weight,heart rate,cholesterol,etc.

But thing is that, how to measurements do with this small devices?If  it is equivalent to Doctor's measurements? If it is not, then it is worthless apps.Because doctor have a different-different equipment to measure all that things related to human body.And that measurements is accurate and based on that doctor treat to human body.

Heart beat, If question is that how it is measure then, may be device is keep in touch to heart then it is calculate the heart bit.

Weight,It is good news for girls who is doing dieting.!!, For measure a weight patient need to stand on to the machine and that it measure.But how it is possible with smart devices.

Blood Sugar, It is OK, because in now days many handy devices available in the market and it gives the near to accurate measure and so it is possible to measure that things.

But how the measure the hydration and De-hydration,oxygen level and other things related to body? In now days many big organization is working on this type of the application.Company are already work with world biggest health experts and try to solve out this problem.

If this application is successful then it is very useful to patient they get the all this report very quickly and well treated.

Another benefit for exercisers to achieve his/her exercises goal.Or your dietitian keep your everyday record of your body.And one important thing is that we can aware of aware about deices in starting and we get well treatment in initial.Because patients are aware about many disease in last stage of that disease.

But may be it is harmful to little age for network radiations.

This application is not working or not installed in to the currents available devices?It is a able to install in to the new iOS 8 and feature apple iOS devices.And it is not run alone with only iPhone, Users need to use iWatch for accurate measurements. Because currents available devices has no extra technology or gadgets to measure that things.So all the users are wait for the new devices.

Now doctor is in your pocket?!!!! may be.


  1. I'm sure a lot of people have overlooked this app without realizing how much use it could provide. This app is great for people who are diabetic or trying to keep track of their weight. Apple made it very simple to track our health with this app.

    1. Yes, you are absolutely right about apple health book application.It is very useful to keep your fitness track.

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